

STRIKE – Handwritten magazine of Irkutsk Spiritual seminary.
Irkutsk, 1901. - #1.

This magazine issue was dedicated to a spring 1901 unrest in Irkutsk seminary, its causes and results. The library fund has only 1 issue and it is unknown whether there were any other issues of this magazine later.

Title of the manuscript

Of course, these magazine articles represent a point of view of such event participants and organizers. Such unrest was probably provoked by administration disorder, scholastic and archaic teaching methods, seminary conservatism and new political changes influence. There were new demands for a permission to read “forbidden” literature and atheistic passages. In addition, these articles include information about recommendations how to behave yourself in the case of a gendarme provocation and gectographic proclamations production technology.

The magazine articles have many interesting news about Irkutsk seminary library work, fund contents, reading interests of the pupils. For example, the pupils expressed an intention to read secular periodic literature, the works of Janshiev, Pypin, Timiryazev and Uspenskii. Such kind of literature knowledge, in their opinion, could make them more armed and educated in spiritual field.

Strike, which lasted for several weeks, did not have any results. The only change was a different seminary administration.

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